The following presentation details pertain only to last year’s NEIS 2024 conference. Information for the upcoming NEIS 2025 presentations is currently under preparation.
This NEIS 2024 conference will be a hybrid conference with both, in-person and online participation and presentations. The online platform, that the event will be hosted on, will be Microsoft Teams.

There will be two main categories of presentation, the first of which is subdivided further:

  • Oral presentation
    • Keynote addresses
    • Conference submissions
  • Poster presentation


Keynote addresses will last 30 minutes each and be given by the esteemed scholars Prof. Staudt and Prof. Sun. More details are available here: Keynote Speakers 2024

Conference submissions as oral presentations will make up the vast majority of scientific content presented at the conference. They last 12 minutes and are grouped into sessions, still to be anounced, according to their respective topic.

Each oral presentaion is given live, on stage or online. However, we kindly ask every oral presenter to prepare a back-up video of their presentation in case that for unexpected reasons they cannot participate after all.

Please send your presentation slides as Powerpoint file or pdf as well as the back-up video (mp4 audio and video) via email to no later than 10th September, in order for us to arrange and sort them. We do not provide a template for the slides.

The poster presentation session will take place on 16th September, Monday afternoon succeeding the last oral presentation of that day. Please prepare your poster in the DIN A0 format (841 mm width x 1189 mm height) and bring the physical, printed poster to the conference with you.

Templates: We do not want to restrict the usage of layouts that conform to your corporate design and, thusly, do not provide templates neither for the Powerpoint files nor for the posters. Nonetheless, the posters will have to adhere to the above-mentioned format (DIN A0). For Powerpoint presentations we recommend but not demand a 16 to 9 landscape aspect ratio.