The NEIS 2020 conference is approaching and you may still have some question about the program or the conference platform.
We gathered several questions from you and made a small FAQ. Please read the questions and answers below:
1. When is my turn? – We have already published the final program on our website. Check it out here.
2. How can I join the conference? – The conference platform is Webex. You can join any of the scheduled meetings/webinars by clicking on the links shown here. You can join either using your browser or by downloading an app. Check out these videos if you are unsure how to join. In the attachment you can additionally find a PDF with all the links for webinars/meetings.
3. Are there special requirements for Webex? – You should be able to login using any browser of your choice. For good quality we recommend using headset and a stable internet connection. Specially the keynote speakers and paper presenters should try to use a headset or sit in a room without background noise.
4. How will it work? – We have two types of events planed, webinar and meeting. Webinar is a single virtual room for the session like keynote presentation, oral presentations and webinars. During the whole conference day everything will be in this one virtual room and you do not need to switch. The only exceptions are the poster sessions. For this we have prepared separate meeting rooms. Each paper will have a room, where you can ask your questions and talk personally with the author in the dedicated one hour of Live Q&A. Just click on the link for the desired paper here.
5. How can I actively participate? – After joining the conference you will be automatically muted. Do not worry, this is a normal case. In fact you will not be able to unmute your microphone on your own. Only the session chairs can do this. During the whole webinar you can write anything you would like in the chat space. After every presentation we will have Q&A parts. You have two options to ask a question or give your feedback to the author:
– Write a question in the Q&A section in the Webex Webinar
– You would rather speak? Raise your hand and the session chair will unmute your microphone and you can speak.
We prepared a small tutorial in one of our webinars, check it out here.
6. What do I do if I have problems? – In case of any kind of problems with Webex you can contact our hotline which will be available during the whole conference. Don’t worry, you can even call us with your phone, if your computer is completely unresponsive for some case. Please check out different ways to contact our hotline here. We strongly recommend that for the first time on Monday, you join the webinar at least 5-10 minutes before the start. This way you still have time to solve eventual problems with login in time. Our hotline will be available already from 08:30.
7. I am planned for a presentation but would like to do a small test? – All keynote speakers and paper presenters will have a small audio/video test before their session. This is in fact mandatory. For this purpose we would like to ask you to join a meeting created specially for this case, 10 minutes before your session. One of our colleagues will be there for you and you can test your microphone and screen sharing. All paper presenters and keynote speakers will receive a separate email with the link to the testing room.
8. I received a package from the Helmut-Schmidt-University, should I open it? – We sent a package to all of our participants. The package contains the conference program, some conference souvenirs and further gifts. The package also contains a bottle of wine. On the first day we would like to try to make our first ever virtual group photo. For this purpose we would like to ask you to open your bottle of wine (or some other drink if you don’t like wine) and make one virtual toast with us. Everyone will be able to speak and turn on their camera in this part of the conference. Of course, you do not have to turn on your camera, but we would be very happy if you do so.
For the participants that registered during this week, it may be that the package does not arrive in time. For everyone who maybe doesn’t receive the package till Monday we offer our sincerest apologies and hope that you will still participate in the virtual get together with your own drink of choice.